Thursday, August 2, 2012

Slipcover Update: The Arm Front

Oh....almost done! Today's post is all about the front of the arms. As you can see...lots of clipping to get it around that curve!

Put the slipcover on the sofa wrong side out. To help me get a good fit, I repinned the arm (side) into that crease right below the curve of the sofa arm - you'll see what I mean in the picture to the left. Yes, this is a picture from yesterday's post! But it's all I have!

I draped the fabric onto the front of the arm. I stuck pins in so it would stay flat and hug the curve of the arm front. And I just stuck them in straight...all the way aroud.

I next raced the outline of the arm front. 

Cut it 1" bigger. You know the drill...

See the pins?

I pinned the arm front to the arm all the way around. I wanted this to be fairly snug, so I pulled a bit. It was a bit difficult to remove - it was on there really tight. But I am glad that it was.

I headed to the machine and followed my pins around. I didn't use my blue marker line - that just helped me cut and gauge the shape that I was sewing.

I sewed all the way around - and I clipped to help keep the shape of the curve.

And here it is!

Check out all the clipping!

It fits!

One side down and one to go!

We'll finish things up tomorrow with hemming the bottom.

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