Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Slipcover Update: The Cushions

Time to take on the sofa! Here's a before picture. It's not that bad - just a little stained and sad.

I decided to make the bottom cushions first because I felt most comfortable making these. The back of the cushion was a little tricky because I needed to create an opening that I could slide the foam cushion in. I figured it out! I used Velco to keep it closed.

Once those were done, I made the back cushions. I just traced around the existing cushion for the front and the back. And I didn't use the red Sharpie! I used a blue fabric marker!!

I stacked four pieces of fabric and cut them out.

I added a zipper to the gusset. This is on the bottom of the cushion. These are really fluffy, so I knew I could cram it through that 24" zipper.

Here's the zipper in the bottom of the cushion. Yes, I love my blue marker. I should buy them in bulk!

Here they are!

And a close-up. I am amazed by how great they look!

I'll be updating as I go. These four cushions used one 9ft x 12 ft drop cloth with quite a bit left-over. Next step: The Frame!

Still a little scared? Read my Slipcover Courage post.

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