Friday, April 13, 2012

The Tube Turner

Ring holder on a Jewelry Roll.
One of my favorite sewing gadgets is this Turn-It-All. It makes turning and stuffing tubes really easy. I recently used it to make a ring holder for a jewelry roll.

It's really simple to use:

1. Sew your tube and clip the corners.

2. Insert the correct-sized tube (there are three tubes that come with the Turn-It-All) into the open end of your project.

3. Insert the dowel into the other/sewn end your project. You'll be poking the tip of the dowel into the open end of the tube.

4. Push the dowel into the fabric/tube. You're project will be inside the tube, so push it all the way out. You are done!

5. If you'd like to stuff it, just put the tube inside your project, cram in some stuffing, and use the dowel to push it in. You'll have to keep moving the tube up so the stuffing goes into your project and doesn't get stuck in the tube.

1 comment:

  1. Doh! Thank you so much for this... I've owned the Dritz turners for ages and haven't taken the time to use them for lack of knowledge. I adore the ring holder as well.
