Friday, February 10, 2012

Stitched: The Film

If you are looking for a great way to bring a community of quilters (and sewists) together, why not consider showing Stitched: The Film

Last month, our local Quilts of Valor group (Southern Tier Quilts of Valor) decided to host a screening of the film in Corning, NY. And what started out as, "Let's sell tickets" quickly turned into a big community event that involved local merchants and restaurants...and didn't involve selling tickets. Instead, we are asking attendees to trade a 12 1/2" block for a ticket. 

The Palace Theater (on Historic Market Street) has graciously agreed to turn their lobby into a quilt show on Tuesday, March 20th. We'll display completed Quilts of Valor along with a collection of quilts pieced from the blocks we've collected.

We are fortunate to live in an area where quilting and sewing is BIG. And we are blessed with several quilt shops, yarn shops, and craft shops along with multiple quilt guilds -- who all support our Quilts of Valor group. 

I've asked the women who are getting their tickets at my studio (Sew You Can) to use the Wonky Log Cabin pattern from Tallgrass Prairie Studio. If I can manage it, all the blocks will have the same center (gold fabric) but what they do from that point on is up to them - as long as it's patriotic themed/color fabric.

Our goal is to sell out two shows - a total of 320 seats...and 320 blocks. That's a lot of quilts all going to a great cause.

For more information, visit our website. Or go to the Quilts of Valor Foundation.

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